Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Are online games good or bad?

This subject is controversial and very sensitive depending on which side we’re in. My opinion in this article is not meant to be in-depth of any pros or cons of online games, but it aims to show that those games have good and bad sides. It depends on the way we use them.

In my opinion, good sides and bad sides of online games can't be defined. However, those games can be used positively or negatively, depends on every single person. Everyone in this world is different. We like to do things in our own way as well as we play games in our own way. Some might have a big aggressive impulse always want to win and be the most excellent no matter what the cost is, while others are more relaxed to and can play indifferently.

Online games can stimulate mind and hand-eye coordination, enhance thinking and problem solving skills, influence good use of the technology, strengthen self-confidence and encourage teamwork (in multi-player games). Some games are designed to influence players to aid a family in their household jobs. This kind of games have excellent source of educational advantages as they can teach young children to be helpful, take responsibilities and gain a sense of imagination. Also, with the online competition, players can participate and interact with other players on the other side of the world. They can get in touch with all growing cultures. Further, online games become an appropriate form of entertainment as movies.

If players are attending their school or work, being social and having fun, then they are falling within the positive side. They don't let the games affect their real life or become their favorite job. They enjoy the game, but also put it down at anytime to do things that are more important.

On the other hand, if players are skipping their school or work, being not around and always feeling sad or depressed, then they are falling within the negative side. They let the games play, consume and may destroy them. Those gamers will end up with suffering the consequences like bad eyesight, cramped hands, obsessive compulsive behaviors and a rapid end to their social interactions.

Online games do not make players psychos, pathetic or drug dealers. They are more likely to provoke people. I read that some players took up golf, snowboarding or other sports through games. A lot of players have had a positive consequence from being a gamer. Finally, online games are not dangerous. They only harm people that play them wrong.

So it is up to us !!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My presentation experience

Before giving my presentation, I have read the tips that we have in our book about giving a good presentation. Although I searched the net for other similar topics, I ended up that giving a good presentation is an issue of self-attitude and abilities.

The best way I have realized is to start up immediately! Organize the information about the topic “first of all”, then practice, practice and practice. It's very embarrassing and scary to confront people, but practicing will break the ice and will boost the self confidence. In fact, it's that hard to confront a group of people for only the first two minutes, but you will get more used and more relaxed quickly.

Regarding the planning for the presentation, I asked myself do I have to prepare for each word I'm going to say? I found that for the first time the answer is yes. But with giving more presentations, the performance will be enhanced, the experience will be enriched and the planning will not be any more for all the details.

I wrote down the points that I am going to talk about and started preparing my power point slides. I tried to make the power-point as simple as it can be, with comfortable colors and images.

I prepared myself to be ready to any kind of question that might be related to my topic but not in my research materials.

I was thinking of how I can get the attention of my audience. Finally, I decided to start with some statistical facts to get their attention and attract them to my speech. I also practiced to use my body parts (hands) to explain some ideas and to move to change my place. I practiced to use good accent and good voice and to distribute my eye look to everybody. It works, I love it and I am proud of myself.

Friday, August 8, 2008

My research paper experience

The most pleasing experience in my academic career has been writing research papers. I enjoyed writing them at university and now at advanced two. Really, I had an excellent time more than hard time when I wrote my research paper because I really love to do this research paper. Therefore, when I faced any difficulty, I just considered it as a challenge.

When I first got the research assignment, it took me near one week just to outline what I wanted to write about. I knew that I had to read lots of articles. When I started researching, I collected and printed out all the articles I could find and started reading. Reading those articles was the hard part. It was a lot more work than I thought. The more I kept digging for information, the more I found.

I wasn't sure what I should do when I was reading. Deciding what information to use and what not to use, and where to paraphrase or where to use direct quotes instead are bit confusing. However, after commencing the writing I felt more relaxed as I started explaining and connecting the information.

Furthermore, I had the chance to discover a lot of new knowledge while researching and writing my research paper. At the beginning, I thought that I knew a lot about my topic: Factors affecting Intra-Family Business Succession. However, when I searched more information for my research paper, I discovered that there are a lot of things about family businesses that I did not know before.

Although my research paper this time is not as perfect as I want, I am so proud to write a research paper in English. I learned that writing is a continuous attempt and I certainly gained more learning from researching and writing papers than from any other kind of learning practices.

Finally, I would like to thank you Scott and Marley because you are good instructors. You always support me and give me good suggestions that will lead me to write a great research paper at my Ph.D. study.