Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Are online games good or bad?

This subject is controversial and very sensitive depending on which side we’re in. My opinion in this article is not meant to be in-depth of any pros or cons of online games, but it aims to show that those games have good and bad sides. It depends on the way we use them.

In my opinion, good sides and bad sides of online games can't be defined. However, those games can be used positively or negatively, depends on every single person. Everyone in this world is different. We like to do things in our own way as well as we play games in our own way. Some might have a big aggressive impulse always want to win and be the most excellent no matter what the cost is, while others are more relaxed to and can play indifferently.

Online games can stimulate mind and hand-eye coordination, enhance thinking and problem solving skills, influence good use of the technology, strengthen self-confidence and encourage teamwork (in multi-player games). Some games are designed to influence players to aid a family in their household jobs. This kind of games have excellent source of educational advantages as they can teach young children to be helpful, take responsibilities and gain a sense of imagination. Also, with the online competition, players can participate and interact with other players on the other side of the world. They can get in touch with all growing cultures. Further, online games become an appropriate form of entertainment as movies.

If players are attending their school or work, being social and having fun, then they are falling within the positive side. They don't let the games affect their real life or become their favorite job. They enjoy the game, but also put it down at anytime to do things that are more important.

On the other hand, if players are skipping their school or work, being not around and always feeling sad or depressed, then they are falling within the negative side. They let the games play, consume and may destroy them. Those gamers will end up with suffering the consequences like bad eyesight, cramped hands, obsessive compulsive behaviors and a rapid end to their social interactions.

Online games do not make players psychos, pathetic or drug dealers. They are more likely to provoke people. I read that some players took up golf, snowboarding or other sports through games. A lot of players have had a positive consequence from being a gamer. Finally, online games are not dangerous. They only harm people that play them wrong.

So it is up to us !!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My presentation experience

Before giving my presentation, I have read the tips that we have in our book about giving a good presentation. Although I searched the net for other similar topics, I ended up that giving a good presentation is an issue of self-attitude and abilities.

The best way I have realized is to start up immediately! Organize the information about the topic “first of all”, then practice, practice and practice. It's very embarrassing and scary to confront people, but practicing will break the ice and will boost the self confidence. In fact, it's that hard to confront a group of people for only the first two minutes, but you will get more used and more relaxed quickly.

Regarding the planning for the presentation, I asked myself do I have to prepare for each word I'm going to say? I found that for the first time the answer is yes. But with giving more presentations, the performance will be enhanced, the experience will be enriched and the planning will not be any more for all the details.

I wrote down the points that I am going to talk about and started preparing my power point slides. I tried to make the power-point as simple as it can be, with comfortable colors and images.

I prepared myself to be ready to any kind of question that might be related to my topic but not in my research materials.

I was thinking of how I can get the attention of my audience. Finally, I decided to start with some statistical facts to get their attention and attract them to my speech. I also practiced to use my body parts (hands) to explain some ideas and to move to change my place. I practiced to use good accent and good voice and to distribute my eye look to everybody. It works, I love it and I am proud of myself.

Friday, August 8, 2008

My research paper experience

The most pleasing experience in my academic career has been writing research papers. I enjoyed writing them at university and now at advanced two. Really, I had an excellent time more than hard time when I wrote my research paper because I really love to do this research paper. Therefore, when I faced any difficulty, I just considered it as a challenge.

When I first got the research assignment, it took me near one week just to outline what I wanted to write about. I knew that I had to read lots of articles. When I started researching, I collected and printed out all the articles I could find and started reading. Reading those articles was the hard part. It was a lot more work than I thought. The more I kept digging for information, the more I found.

I wasn't sure what I should do when I was reading. Deciding what information to use and what not to use, and where to paraphrase or where to use direct quotes instead are bit confusing. However, after commencing the writing I felt more relaxed as I started explaining and connecting the information.

Furthermore, I had the chance to discover a lot of new knowledge while researching and writing my research paper. At the beginning, I thought that I knew a lot about my topic: Factors affecting Intra-Family Business Succession. However, when I searched more information for my research paper, I discovered that there are a lot of things about family businesses that I did not know before.

Although my research paper this time is not as perfect as I want, I am so proud to write a research paper in English. I learned that writing is a continuous attempt and I certainly gained more learning from researching and writing papers than from any other kind of learning practices.

Finally, I would like to thank you Scott and Marley because you are good instructors. You always support me and give me good suggestions that will lead me to write a great research paper at my Ph.D. study.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

"Happines" On-line Quesstionnaire

1. Do you think these data collection tools are valid scientific tools? Why or Why not?
2. Do you think your results would be if you took the on-line questionnaire at a
different time, on a different day? Why or why not?
3. Which of the two tools is better to do with a large group of people to discover
patterns of happiness in a given population? Why do you think that one is
better suited?

On-line questionnaires became a popular way of collecting information. It is a great tool that helps scientists and researchers to approach their big or wide spread samples. For example, e-businesses and e-services including psychological ones are rapidly increasing. They continuously apply online assessments and evaluations.

In order to guarantee the results of this new procedure, it is necessary to have reliable and valid assessment tools. A reliable questionnaire is the one that would give the same results if it used repeatedly with the same group. Statisticians have created tests of reliability for questionnaires. These tests help to know whether the results are meaningful.
If the questionnaire is not reliable then it is not valid. In addition reliable questionnaire may not be valid if it is employed in situations it was not designed for.

The reasons why someone would use on-line questionnaires are because of their ability to be easily corrected and their flexibility to display the contents with graphics, help screens or menus. In addition, it is cost effective and time saving because its feedback data will be automatically gathered and analyzed. On the other hand, this tool has disadvantages like: if the targeted sample can’t access the internet, don’t receipt the online questionnaires or don’t know how to use it.

The design of the questionnaire affects the quality of the data gathered through it. Other factors, like sample size, questionnaire’s ability to control different response patterns or ability to detect collusion, also affect the quality and the reliability of the results

Credible questionnaire should consider several important factors like the objectives of gathering the data, the avoidance of biased information and false conclusions. In addition, it should begin with short introduction to explain why the questionnaire is taking place and what the information will be used for, be simple and understandable and should be tested before being launched. Moreover, it should provide concise instructions to clarify any complex options. Open-ended questions are recommended to be included in online questionnaires that ask for feelings, likes, dislikes, opinions and memory recall. To avoid untrusted answers, questions should be logically sequenced and answers should have consistent and similar rating scales throughout the questionnaire. In addition answers should include neutral answers like “I don’t know” to help the participants to feel confidence if they don’t have answers. Moreover, to provide better quality of data and avoid reluctant participants, channels for distributing the questionnaire (emails, ads, bulletin boards or specified sites) should be chose carefully to help attracting the targeted sample.

Regarding the questionnaire of “Happiness”, I don’t think it is credible because it doesn’t include what I have mentioned up. The options of the answers were organized in a way that lead the participant to choose his/her results “happy or unhappy”. The firs choices always for unhappy person and the last choices are for happy results. In my opinion this is a kind of questionnaire that is not able to detect collusion (answering the questionnaire to make the results come out a particular way). It can be used for fun but not for scientific survey. To study the pattern of happiness in large society I think we need other methods because happiness is affected by different factors that influence mood, personality and attitude. However, credible on-line questionnaires can be successfully applied for students and young people.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Population and Saudi Women

The powerful Gulf kingdom is grappling with many demographic challenges. High among these challenges are a large, young population; fertility rates of almost 6 children per woman; high population growth; and a large expatriate population.
Saudi Arabia has an extremely young population. Of the country's 24 million people, 43 percent are under the age of 15. UN estimates place the population growth rate for 1995-2000 at 3.5 percent, and according to the United Nations, rapid growth is placing increasing pressure on social sectors, including the country's public school system.
Foreign workers have long played a key role in Saudi Arabia's economy. The Millennium Development Goals Report for Saudi Arabia issued by the United Nations notes that non-Saudis accounted for roughly one quarter of the population in 1999. Indeed, among women who were employed that year, only 32 percent were nationals of the country. Non-Saudi labor is especially apparent in the areas of domestic service and childrearing, according to the report.
In general, employment opportunities for Saudi women are limited. The International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates that the unemployment rate for women in 2001 was 9 percent, compared with close to 4 percent for men, and opportunities for women are concentrated in the education and health services sectors. Literacy rates for women are also much lower than those of men. Some 67 percent of women 15 years and over are literate, compared with 84 percent of men.

Saudi Arabia Facts and Figures

Population in mid-2002 is 24,000,000
Population 2025 (projected) to be 40,900,000
infant deaths per 1,000 live births is 19
Total Fertility Rate (average no. of children born to a woman) is 5.7
Population Under Age 15, is 43 %
Population Over Age 65, is 3%
Life Expectancy at Birth, Both Sexes (years) is 72
Urban Population is 83 %
Contraceptive Use Among Married Women 15-49, is 32%
Maternal Deaths per 100,000 Live Births is 23%
Literacy Rate (ages 15+), 2000, Female, is 67%
Literacy Rate (ages 15+), 2000, Male, 84%
Secondary School Enrollment, 1993-1997, Female, is 57%
Secondary School Enrollment, 1993-1997, Male, is 65%
Labor Force Participation (ages 15-64), 2000, Female, is 23
Labor Force Participation (ages 15-64), 2000, Male, is 82%
Average Age at First Marriage, Female, 22
Illiterate Males Ages 15-19, is 4%
Illiterate Females Ages 15-19, is 16%

Sources: Carl Haub, 2002 World Population Data Sheet (Washington, DC: PRB, 2002); Justine Sass and Lori Ashford, 2002 Women of Our World (Washington, DC: PRB, 2002); and Carl Haub and Britt Herstad, Family Planning Worldwide, 2002 Data Sheet (Washington, DC: PRB, 2002).

While the youth bulge and coincided demands on the labor force, educational, housing, health, and other social systems are getting more attention now, other demographic trends will continue to affect our country. As the youth reaches family-formation age in our country, the number of births is likely to increase, fueling more future growth. The population of Saudi is projected to double by 2050.

The prospect of larger populations in the future means that government is increasingly challenged to provide the basic needs for a growing numbers of citizens, adequate housing, sanitation, health care, education, and jobs. In my opinion, investments in today's youth, particularly in girls as they form more than 45 percent of our population, can yield potentially large payoffs for our future development.

As their number is increasing, the government has provided more opportunities for women in the work force. The latest statistics show that 54 percent of university graduates are women. Employers seek these well-qualified women due to their determination and professionalism.

Saudi young women today are more aware of their strengths and capabilities and are more aware of our demographic and domestic changes. The status of women in the Kingdom is slowly changing, and women determined to assert their position as contributing citizens in all fields: Socially, economically and politically. The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah shows his great support and respect for women. The king has vowed to remove all obstacles that stand in the way of empowering women and has called for the integration of women into the work force.
Fortunately, Saudis’ young women are reaping the benefits of population changes.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Gender & Cross-cultural marriage

Males and females all live on the same planet, and interact with each other on a daily basis, despite what has been written about them being from different planets and having their own cultures. It’s good to recognize communication differences between males and females, but we have to not stereotype and assume that males all communicate in the same way and females all communicate the same way. Too often men and women see the differences between each other and make it a big issue, rather than trying to benefit from those differences.

Can cross cultural marriage work? In my opinion, yes, cross cultural marriage can work. When man and woman of two cultural backgrounds join in marriage, the relationship can be enriched. However, obstacles first need to be identified and addressed. It depends on what he/she expects when marrying someone from another culture, and whether that one can give him/her what he/she expects. It's important to have an awareness of cross-cultural differences, perspectives and issues.

Life is not complicated, but not easy, too.

My Book Presentation Experience

Reading "The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency" was really a great experience for me as it was my first english novel. The Title atracted me and the simple words of the writer really satisfied me. Working in a group to present the novel was also a good job to discuss our different points of view in order to accomplish the tasks even if we had diffrent opinions about the novel. I plan to read the rest eight books of this series. Moreover, I recommend it to any novel reading lovers.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

My English Learning Experience

I started learning English when I was 6 years old. For 9 years I learned English by attending the English classes at my school in Jeddah. It was awfully ineffective. I did everything that the teachers told me to do: the homework assignments, everything. But I didn't get any impressive results. Still, reading English texts took me a long time, I made lots of mistakes when writing, and I could only speak English very slowly. Nine years of struggling, and these were the results.

In order to improve my English learning skills, my father enrolled me in different summer schools in England for two consecutive years. Each one had its own style of learning. During my time there, my English has improved and I gained confidence in speaking English with other people and my experience was extremely rewarding.

By the age 15, I started to study English by myself, because I really wanted to understand some songs, movies or books. I used to use a dictionary in order to find the meaning of each word in songs or in texts. I was very patient, and that was one strategy that helped me a lot in the process of learning English by myself. I started comparing patterns and observing the language structure, and trying to memorize rules. I used to make lists of words in order to memorize them and their meanings. Another thing that helped me a lot was the fact that I would spend hours studying and memorizing every rule I could notice, the uses, tenses, etc. of the words. After having a good vocabulary, I started working on pronunciation, which was the hardest part of the process.

In 1982, I got into the best high school in Riyadh city. My English teachers gave a lot of good advice, especially on pronunciation and vocabulary. My brilliant friends were fantastic English learners. I didn't want to be worse than them, so I studied harder, and my English improved. During my first year in high school, I started using English-English dictionaries, listening to recordings and English-language TV. The result was: I improved my pronunciation, I was no longer afraid to speak English, and I could understand spoken English quite well, too.

In my work field, job competencies encouraged me to read articles, reports and books in English. I started to add new words to my collection. I had to learn many words because it turned out that mispronounced them forced me to learn English regularly. Finally, I began to write reports and e-mail messages in English, which gave me a chance to fix new words and grammar structures and helped to improve my writing skills.

At some point I read my first whole book in English and what was it. That moment was a breakthrough in my life. I knew that I had broken a barrier, and i had entered a new world. I found that reading is much more exciting in English. When I read in English, I have not only the pleasure of reading, but also the pleasure of using English and the pleasure of learning English.

English has given me much satisfaction and pleasure, the ability to broaden my interests and my knowledge, and the feeling that I can communicate with other people all over the world. I am addicted to English. I love the language, and I love using it. I like writing English sentences, speaking English to native speakers, reading books, and watching movies. When I learn something new about English, I feel I'm getting better and more powerful. I could learn everything well, and I am ready to apply for any international university and start my Ph.D. program.

Friday, June 20, 2008


1. I have 22 indoor plants at my home in Montreal.

2. I have 2 brothers and 4 sisters.

3. I'm American.

4. I visitied 16 countries, and over 30 cities around the world.